Branded Sockets, Switches & Lights
Total: 126 683 units - All Brand new, 90% boxed - Very Rough estimate would be about 125+/- pallets in volume. Estimating it's going to be about 2800 boxes, bigger items like lights fit 10 per box & smaller items fit 100 in a box.
The reason I've looked at volume is that the stock is on shelving, but they have agreed to give us 4 staff to build up pallets. Due to room, 10 pallets will be ready to start with & 2 pump trucks available, no folk lift.
More pallets will be made continuously, as quickly as we take them. The buyer would need to spend considerable time as vehicle parking is approx 75 meters away to drag the pump truck to their vehicle/s.
Total import costs £235,719 - Total RRP £598,593 Based on cheapest RRPs on the Market.
Stock is in good condition however not all certs are available as the company holding the records has seized trading.
Price take all: 22 300 GBP
If you are interested in buying this stock offer or you have any questions feel free to contact us.