Clearance stock flameless candles rechargeable system Europe

24011 - Clearance stock  flameless candles rechargeable system Europe

Clearance stock flameless candles rechargeable system Europe

Item number: 24011

We would like to offer you flameless candles rechargeable system (clearance stock).
Everything is in its original packaging in PVC with CE label and internal instructions.
Each item is well packed inside the cardboard box (Example 1 inner/box with 6 individually packaged candles), nothing is outer
In the box there is: item code, our logo and EAN code (bar code)
These candles are all equipped with the remote control.
The list shows the retail price in addition to photos.
Price take all: 4 500 EUR
EXW Italy

Additional information:

Pictures and packinglist here.xls Pictures and packinglist here

Price: 4500.00 €

If you are interested in buying this stock offer or you have any questions feel free to contact us.