Centro Men's Light weight polar fleece shirt USA

58826 - Centro Men's Light weight polar fleece shirt USA

Centro Men's Light weight polar fleece shirt USA

Item number: 58826

Centro Men's Light weight polar fleece shirt
Total: 93 736 pieces
Price take all: 3.65$ piece

Sizes S-M-L-XL-2XL (1-2-3-2-1)
3 Colors Blue, Red, Grey
54 Pieces per carton
60% Cotton & 40% Polyester
Total 64 Pallets
UPC 810121487679 with retail tag $59.99

Additional information:

Pictures and packinglist here.pdf Pictures and packinglist here

Price: 3.65 €

If you are interested in buying this stock offer or you have any questions feel free to contact us.