WM Shoe Load USA

24034 - WM Shoe Load USA

WM Shoe Load USA

Item number: 24034

WM Shoe Load
Customer Return shoes loads from a major department store.
Loads are unmanifested and sold at a flat price per truck.
Typically include a large variety of shoes for men, women and children.
Loads typically include a variety of: Dr. Scholl's, Danskin, Avia, Fubu, AND1, Brahma Shoes and more as well as private label brands Exact Count is unknown, but most loads will range from 5 000 to 7 000 pairs
60% to 70% will be out of box but paired loads 10% to 20% will be paired IN
Box shoes 10% to 20% will be loose SINGLE shoes (NOT Pairs)
Price: 18 500$

Price: 18500.00 $

If you are interested in buying this stock offer or you have any questions feel free to contact us.